Rino's song came to my mind.I was once again reminded that someone like me was nothing special.If there was a god of music, my guess was that this god preferred her over me.No matter what I wrote, no matter what I sang, I could not overcome the sense of uneasiness.Everything I could see was distorted.Before I knew it, I was lost.I could not even breathe.Even so, I was still living.Please... won't someone find me?There was no one I could impress.No one would even notice my light.I am a moon at noon.(00:04:03 - 00:04:56) - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

Rino's song came to my mind.I was once again reminded that someone like me was nothing special.If there was a god of music, my guess was that this god preferred her over me.No matter what I wrote, no matter what I sang, I could not overcome the sense of uneasiness.Everything I could see was distorted.Before I knew it, I was lost.I could not even breathe.Even so, I was still living.Please... won't someone find me?There was no one I could impress.No one would even notice my light.I am a moon at noon.(00:04:03 - 00:04:56)
だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

Story  ユリイ・カノン

Illustration G子

voice actor

🌕new song and music video
□月詠み『月が満ちる』2022年08月17日 21:00 公開

2022.08.17(wed) Release
2nd mini Album 「月が...
Story  ユリイ・カノン

Illustration G子

voice actor

🌕new song and music video
□月詠み『月が満ちる』2022年08月17日 21:00 公開

2022.08.17(wed) Release
2nd mini Album 「月が満ちる」


【収録曲】全9曲収録(完全生産限定盤 / 通常盤 共通)
01 廻想
02 生きるよすが
03 ヨダカ (TVアニメ「BIRDIE WING - Golf Girls’ Story- 」エンディング主題歌)
04 醜悪
05 暮れに茜、芥と花束
06 メデ
07 アメイセンソウ
08 白夜
09 月が満ちる

NZS-894 / 税込 ¥3,300(税抜¥3,000円)

NCS-3008 / 税込 ¥2,200(税抜¥2,000円)

1st Story『だれかの心臓になれたなら』はユリイ・カノンによる同名の楽曲とその関連曲を元に再構築したもの。
全二章で構成される物語の前章となる、1st mini Album『欠けた心象、世のよすが』を2021年9月にリリース。
後章 2nd mini Album 『月が満ちる』を2022年8月にリリース。
□月詠み 1st Story『だれかの心臓になれたなら 』
・episode1 リノ
 1st mini Album 「欠けた心象、世のよすが」(Vo.mikoto)
・episode2 ユマ
 2nd mini Album 「月が満ちる」(Vo.Yue)

月詠み Twitter

月詠み official site

#音楽 #アニメ #アニメーションMV #MV #ユリイ・カノン #だれかの心臓になれたなら #誰かの心臓になれたなら
Prologue ( ~ - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

Prologue ( ~

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:00:00 - 00:01:12
それは空(そら)の上(うえ)。()It is far beyond the skies. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

それは空(そら)の上(うえ)。()It is far beyond the skies.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:00:03 - 00:00:06
それは海(うみ)の底(そこ)。()It is at the bottom of the sea. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

それは海(うみ)の底(そこ)。()It is at the bottom of the sea.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:00:06 - 00:00:09
それは一面(いちめん)に広(ひろ)がる花々(はなばな)の中(なか)。()It is amidst the surface of scattered flowers. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

それは一面(いちめん)に広(ひろ)がる花々(はなばな)の中(なか)。()It is amidst the surface of scattered flowers.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:00:09 - 00:00:13
それは一(いち)縷(る)の光(ひかり)も届(とど)かない闇(やみ)の中(なか)。()It is within the nothingness where not even a single strand of light can reach. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

それは一(いち)縷(る)の光(ひかり)も届(とど)かない闇(やみ)の中(なか)。()It is within the nothingness where not even a single strand of light can reach.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:00:13 - 00:00:18
落(お)ちているのか。()Is it falling down? - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

落(お)ちているのか。()Is it falling down?

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:00:18 - 00:00:19
昇(のぼ)っているのか。()Or is it going up? - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

昇(のぼ)っているのか。()Or is it going up?

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:00:19 - 00:00:21
止(と)まっているのか。()Is it not moving? - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

止(と)まっているのか。()Is it not moving?

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:00:21 - 00:00:23
浮(う)かんでいるのか。()Or is it floating? - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

浮(う)かんでいるのか。()Or is it floating?

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:00:23 - 00:00:26
思(おも)い出(で)の水底(みなそこ)。 そこに淀(よど)むのは眩(まばゆ)い程(ほど)に美(うつく)しい日々(ひび)と、鳴(な)り止(や)まない音楽(おんがく)。()Upon the seabed from my memories, were the dazzlingly graceful days and the endlessly resounding harmonies, becoming stagnant along with the waters. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

思(おも)い出(で)の水底(みなそこ)。 そこに淀(よど)むのは眩(まばゆ)い程(ほど)に美(うつく)しい日々(ひび)と、鳴(な)り止(や)まない音楽(おんがく)。()Upon the seabed from my memories, were the dazzlingly graceful days and the endlessly resounding harmonies, becoming stagnant along with the waters.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:00:26 - 00:00:33
彼女(かのじょ)は間違(まちが)いなく、私(わたし)の世界(せかい)を変(か)える一因(いちいん)だった。()She wasn’t wrong, she indeed was the only cause of the changes in my world. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

彼女(かのじょ)は間違(まちが)いなく、私(わたし)の世界(せかい)を変(か)える一因(いちいん)だった。()She wasn’t wrong, she indeed was the only cause of the changes in my world.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:00:33 - 00:00:39
いや、今(いま)でも彼女(かのじょ)は― ()No, even for now... - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

いや、今(いま)でも彼女(かのじょ)は― ()No, even for now...

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:00:39 - 00:00:41
私(わたし)の世界(せかい)のすべてと言(い)える。() (offscreen)I can possibly say that she represents everything of my world. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

私(わたし)の世界(せかい)のすべてと言(い)える。() (offscreen)I can possibly say that she represents everything of my world.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:00:41 - 00:00:49
彼女(かのじょ)に憧(あこが)れて音楽(おんがく)を始(はじ)めて、もう何年(なんねん)になるだろう。()I wonder how long has it been, since I’ve been admiring her and had started devoting to music. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

彼女(かのじょ)に憧(あこが)れて音楽(おんがく)を始(はじ)めて、もう何年(なんねん)になるだろう。()I wonder how long has it been, since I’ve been admiring her and had started devoting to music.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:00:49 - 00:00:54
自分(じぶん)の作品(さくひん)の向(む)こうには、いつも彼女(かのじょ)が見(み)える。()Whenever I look at my compositions, she can always be seen. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

自分(じぶん)の作品(さくひん)の向(む)こうには、いつも彼女(かのじょ)が見(み)える。()Whenever I look at my compositions, she can always be seen.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:00:54 - 00:00:59
今(いま)もあの頃(ころ)のことばかりを綴(つづ)ってしまうのは、未(いま)だ私(わたし)は前(まえ)を向(む)けていないからだ。()The reason why I’m still rewriting about the past moments, is actually because I still couldn’t confront the future and proceed. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

今(いま)もあの頃(ころ)のことばかりを綴(つづ)ってしまうのは、未(いま)だ私(わたし)は前(まえ)を向(む)けていないからだ。()The reason why I’m still rewriting about the past moments, is actually because I still couldn’t confront the future and proceed.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:00:59 - 00:01:05
思(おも)い出(で)の中(なか)を生(い)き続(つづ)けるのは、きっとさよならを言(い)えていないからだ。()And the reason why I’m still dwelling on my memories, is surely because I haven’t been able to say farewell. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

思(おも)い出(で)の中(なか)を生(い)き続(つづ)けるのは、きっとさよならを言(い)えていないからだ。()And the reason why I’m still dwelling on my memories, is surely because I haven’t been able to say farewell.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:01:05 - 00:01:12
Back then, I admired two things.One of them were musicians, and the other was a male fellow student that wanted to become a novelist.To create is one of the most beautiful things in this world - is what he said.Those words mysteriously resonated with me.I wanted to understand the meaning of those words.That I picked up music, which I had once forsaken, was probably because I had wanted to become someone as special as he was.And that was how I decided to begin to live as 'Yuma'.I sing, today, in hopes that I could reach the hearts of others. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

Back then, I admired two things.One of them were musicians, and the other was a male fellow student that wanted to become a novelist.To create is one of the most beautiful things in this world - is what he said.Those words mysteriously resonated with me.I wanted to understand the meaning of those words.That I picked up music, which I had once forsaken, was probably because I had wanted to become someone as special as he was.And that was how I decided to begin to live as 'Yuma'.I sing, today, in hopes that I could reach the hearts of others.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:01:11 - 00:02:02
その頃(ころ)、私(わたし)は二(ふた)つのものに憧(あこが)れた。()At that time, I longed for two things. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

その頃(ころ)、私(わたし)は二(ふた)つのものに憧(あこが)れた。()At that time, I longed for two things.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:01:14 - 00:01:18
憧(あこが)れの一(ひと)つは音楽家(おんがくか)で、もう一(ひと)つは小説家(しょうせつか)を志(こころざ)す同級生(どうきゅうせい)の男(おとこ)の子(こ)。()First, was my dream of becoming a musician, and second, is a boy who was my classmate and had set his heart on becoming a novelist. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

憧(あこが)れの一(ひと)つは音楽家(おんがくか)で、もう一(ひと)つは小説家(しょうせつか)を志(こころざ)す同級生(どうきゅうせい)の男(おとこ)の子(こ)。()First, was my dream of becoming a musician, and second, is a boy who was my classmate and had set his heart on becoming a novelist.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:01:18 - 00:01:27
―創作(そうさく)というのはこの世(よ)で最(もっと)も美(うつく)しいものだと、彼(かれ)は言(い)った。()- “Composing is the most wonderful and beautiful thing in this world”, he said. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

―創作(そうさく)というのはこの世(よ)で最(もっと)も美(うつく)しいものだと、彼(かれ)は言(い)った。()- “Composing is the most wonderful and beautiful thing in this world”, he said.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:01:27 - 00:01:34
その言葉(ことば)は不思議(ふしぎ)と私(わたし)の心(こころ)を震(ふる)わせた。()Not only did I find his words inspiring, but they even made my heart quiver. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

その言葉(ことば)は不思議(ふしぎ)と私(わたし)の心(こころ)を震(ふる)わせた。()Not only did I find his words inspiring, but they even made my heart quiver.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:01:34 - 00:01:40
私(わたし)はその言葉(ことば)を理解(りかい)したかった。()I wanted to fully understand the words of his. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

私(わたし)はその言葉(ことば)を理解(りかい)したかった。()I wanted to fully understand the words of his.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:01:40 - 00:01:44
ヨダカ - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録


だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:01:43 - 00:02:35
一度(いちど)はやめた音楽(おんがく)をまた始(はじ)めたのは、彼(かれ)のように特別(とくべつ)になりたかったからだと思(おも)う。()I think the reason of me quitting music and taking it on once again, was because I wished to be just as special as he was. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

一度(いちど)はやめた音楽(おんがく)をまた始(はじ)めたのは、彼(かれ)のように特別(とくべつ)になりたかったからだと思(おも)う。()I think the reason of me quitting music and taking it on once again, was because I wished to be just as special as he was.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:01:44 - 00:01:52
そうして私(わたし)は、ユマ(ゆま)として生(い)きていくことを決(き)めた。()After that, I have decided to live on as Yuma. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

そうして私(わたし)は、ユマ(ゆま)として生(い)きていくことを決(き)めた。()After that, I have decided to live on as Yuma.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:01:52 - 00:01:57
今日(きょう)も私(わたし)は歌(うた)う。 どこかの誰(だれ)かに届(とど)くようにと。()I still sing today. As if trying to reach for somebody in somewhere unknown. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

今日(きょう)も私(わたし)は歌(うた)う。 どこかの誰(だれ)かに届(とど)くようにと。()I still sing today. As if trying to reach for somebody in somewhere unknown.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:01:57 - 00:02:03
Even while I was in high school, I did not have kind of dream that I wanted to reach for.If life was to be led full of regrets, then I'd rather have it all end while there was none.I don't mind if my life was nothing special. A life without drama was just fine for me.No matter what you do, you'll lose it all in the end anyway. If that's the case, then I don't need anything to start with.Cold wind. White breath. The wintery streets that tinged of loneliness.Incidentally, I heard it. The voice of the singing girl.The recognizable black hair.Her song pierced right through my chest.Something spilled forth from the core of mine that I had thought was filled with but void. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

Even while I was in high school, I did not have kind of dream that I wanted to reach for.If life was to be led full of regrets, then I'd rather have it all end while there was none.I don't mind if my life was nothing special. A life without drama was just fine for me.No matter what you do, you'll lose it all in the end anyway. If that's the case, then I don't need anything to start with.Cold wind. White breath. The wintery streets that tinged of loneliness.Incidentally, I heard it. The voice of the singing girl.The recognizable black hair.Her song pierced right through my chest.Something spilled forth from the core of mine that I had thought was filled with but void.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:02:02 - 00:02:52
私(わたし)は高校生(こうこうせい)になっても夢(ゆめ)の一(ひと)つすら持(も)っていない。()Even if I became a high school student, I wouldn’t even have a single dream. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

私(わたし)は高校生(こうこうせい)になっても夢(ゆめ)の一(ひと)つすら持(も)っていない。()Even if I became a high school student, I wouldn’t even have a single dream.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:02:05 - 00:02:10
後(のち)に悔(く)いるのが人生(じんせい)なら、いっそ何(なに)もないまま終(お)わりたい。()If life was meant to be regretful at last, I’d rather end it while not having anything. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

後(のち)に悔(く)いるのが人生(じんせい)なら、いっそ何(なに)もないまま終(お)わりたい。()If life was meant to be regretful at last, I’d rather end it while not having anything.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:02:10 - 00:02:14
華(はな)のない生活(せいかつ)で構(かま)わない。 ドラマ(どらま)にならない人生(じんせい)でいい。()I don’t care about my life being this unappealing. I’m fine even with a life that couldn’t be turned into a drama. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

華(はな)のない生活(せいかつ)で構(かま)わない。 ドラマ(どらま)にならない人生(じんせい)でいい。()I don’t care about my life being this unappealing. I’m fine even with a life that couldn’t be turned into a drama.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:02:14 - 00:02:20
何(なに)をしたって、どうせいつかは全部(ぜんぶ)失(な)くなる。 それなら最初(さいしょ)から何(なに)も要(い)らない。()No matter what I do, everything would be lost in its whole someday anyways. Therefore, I wouldn’t need anything in the first place. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

何(なに)をしたって、どうせいつかは全部(ぜんぶ)失(な)くなる。 それなら最初(さいしょ)から何(なに)も要(い)らない。()No matter what I do, everything would be lost in its whole someday anyways. Therefore, I wouldn’t need anything in the first place.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:02:20 - 00:02:27
冷(つめ)たい風(かぜ)。 白(しろ)い息(いき)。 寂(さび)しさを帯(お)びた冬(ふゆ)の街(まち)。()Frosty winds, breaths that came out white, as well as this city accompanied by a hint of loneliness. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

冷(つめ)たい風(かぜ)。 白(しろ)い息(いき)。 寂(さび)しさを帯(お)びた冬(ふゆ)の街(まち)。()Frosty winds, breaths that came out white, as well as this city accompanied by a hint of loneliness.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:02:27 - 00:02:36
生きるよすが - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録


だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:02:35 - 00:03:05
ふと聞(き)こえた、少女(しょうじょ)の歌声(うたごえ)。()Suddenly, what I could hear was a young girl’s singing voice. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

ふと聞(き)こえた、少女(しょうじょ)の歌声(うたごえ)。()Suddenly, what I could hear was a young girl’s singing voice.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:02:36 - 00:02:39
見覚(みおぼ)えのある黒(くろ)い長髪(ながかみ)。()Locks of black long hair that were familiar to me. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

見覚(みおぼ)えのある黒(くろ)い長髪(ながかみ)。()Locks of black long hair that were familiar to me.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:02:39 - 00:02:42
彼女(かのじょ)の歌(うた)は、私(わたし)の胸(むね)を真(ま)っ直(す)ぐに貫(つらぬ)いた。()Her song, reached and penetrated through my chest directly at once. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

彼女(かのじょ)の歌(うた)は、私(わたし)の胸(むね)を真(ま)っ直(す)ぐに貫(つらぬ)いた。()Her song, reached and penetrated through my chest directly at once.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:02:42 - 00:02:47
空(から)っぽだったはずの私(わたし)の中(なか)から何(なに)かが零(こぼ)れた。()Something from my insides, which was meant to be empty, has overflowed. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

空(から)っぽだったはずの私(わたし)の中(なか)から何(なに)かが零(こぼ)れた。()Something from my insides, which was meant to be empty, has overflowed.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:02:47 - 00:02:52
* ( ~ - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

* ( ~

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:02:52 - 00:04:03
Later, she taught me the name of the song that she played back on the streets.'Reason For Existence'『生きるよすが』 (Ikiru yosuga)Just like that title, it had become my reason.They float before my eyes, the events of those days, much like like the footage of a projector on the screen.The image of that memory stayed at the back of my mind ever since we had drifted away from each other.The image of the two of us, seated side by side, playing the piano.A duet.Because I chased after her melody, I was chasing after her, too.I did not know if she knew about what I thought about her,but she was a presence that was more special to me than anyone else.As if she knew not the very concept of being discouraged, the girl that devoted her lifeblood to music,was dazzling, noble, and beautiful.I wanted to become just like her. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

Later, she taught me the name of the song that she played back on the streets.'Reason For Existence'『生きるよすが』 (Ikiru yosuga)Just like that title, it had become my reason.They float before my eyes, the events of those days, much like like the footage of a projector on the screen.The image of that memory stayed at the back of my mind ever since we had drifted away from each other.The image of the two of us, seated side by side, playing the piano.A duet.Because I chased after her melody, I was chasing after her, too.I did not know if she knew about what I thought about her,but she was a presence that was more special to me than anyone else.As if she knew not the very concept of being discouraged, the girl that devoted her lifeblood to music,was dazzling, noble, and beautiful.I wanted to become just like her.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:02:52 - 00:04:03
後(のち)に彼女(かのじょ)から、あの時(とき)の歌(うた)の名前(なまえ)を教(おし)えてもらった。()Later on, she told me the name of the song which was performed at that time. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

後(のち)に彼女(かのじょ)から、あの時(とき)の歌(うた)の名前(なまえ)を教(おし)えてもらった。()Later on, she told me the name of the song which was performed at that time.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:02:53 - 00:02:57
「生(い)きるよすが」()“Reason for Existence”. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

「生(い)きるよすが」()“Reason for Existence”.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:02:57 - 00:03:00
その名(な)の通(とお)り、それは私(わたし)にとってのよすがとなった。()Just as the song title suggests, it had become the reliance of my life. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

その名(な)の通(とお)り、それは私(わたし)にとってのよすがとなった。()Just as the song title suggests, it had become the reliance of my life.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:03:00 - 00:03:05
あの頃(ころ)の出来事(できごと)が、映写機(えいしゃき)からスクリ(すくり)ーン(ん)映(うつ)し出(だ)されるみたいに目(め)の前(まえ)に浮(う)かぶ。()The incidents occurred at that time, are now floating in front of my bare eyes as if they’re being imprinted by a projector onto a screen. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

あの頃(ころ)の出来事(できごと)が、映写機(えいしゃき)からスクリ(すくり)ーン(ん)映(うつ)し出(だ)されるみたいに目(め)の前(まえ)に浮(う)かぶ。()The incidents occurred at that time, are now floating in front of my bare eyes as if they’re being imprinted by a projector onto a screen.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:03:05 - 00:03:12
新世界から - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録


だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:03:05 - 00:04:58
その記憶(きおく)の映像(えいぞう)は私(わたし)と彼女(かのじょ)を少(すこ)し離(はな)れたところからファインダ(ふぁいんだ)ーを覗(のぞ)くように眺(なが)めている。()The image of my memories was looked down into and gazed upon with a short distance in-between me and her. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

その記憶(きおく)の映像(えいぞう)は私(わたし)と彼女(かのじょ)を少(すこ)し離(はな)れたところからファインダ(ふぁいんだ)ーを覗(のぞ)くように眺(なが)めている。()The image of my memories was looked down into and gazed upon with a short distance in-between me and her.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:03:12 - 00:03:20
二人(ふたり)は一台(いちだい)のピアノ(ぴあの)の前(まえ)に並(なら)んで座(すわ)って鍵盤(けんばん)を鳴(な)らす。()The two of us aligned and sat in front of a piano, pressing the keys and making notes sound. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

二人(ふたり)は一台(いちだい)のピアノ(ぴあの)の前(まえ)に並(なら)んで座(すわ)って鍵盤(けんばん)を鳴(な)らす。()The two of us aligned and sat in front of a piano, pressing the keys and making notes sound.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:03:20 - 00:03:26
二人(ふたり)が奏(かな)でる追走曲(カノン)。()The canon being played by us. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

二人(ふたり)が奏(かな)でる追走曲(カノン)。()The canon being played by us.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:03:26 - 00:03:29
彼女(かのじょ)の旋律(せんりつ)を追(お)いかけたその日(ひ)から、私(わたし)はずっと彼女(かのじょ)を追(お)いかけている。()Ever since the day I started to chase after the melody of hers, I’ve long been chasing after her as well. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

彼女(かのじょ)の旋律(せんりつ)を追(お)いかけたその日(ひ)から、私(わたし)はずっと彼女(かのじょ)を追(お)いかけている。()Ever since the day I started to chase after the melody of hers, I’ve long been chasing after her as well.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:03:29 - 00:03:34
私(わたし)は私(わたし)が思(おも)っている以上(いじょう)に彼女(かのじょ)のことを知(し)らないのかもしれないけれど、()Although I might not understand her as much as I’ve expected, - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

私(わたし)は私(わたし)が思(おも)っている以上(いじょう)に彼女(かのじょ)のことを知(し)らないのかもしれないけれど、()Although I might not understand her as much as I’ve expected,

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:03:34 - 00:03:39
私(わたし)の目(め)には誰(だれ)よりも特別(とくべつ)な存在(そんざい)に映(うつ)った。()from my perspective, she is of the most special person than anyone else to me. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

私(わたし)の目(め)には誰(だれ)よりも特別(とくべつ)な存在(そんざい)に映(うつ)った。()from my perspective, she is of the most special person than anyone else to me.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:03:39 - 00:03:42
挫(くじ)けることを知(し)らず、ひたすらに音楽(おんがく)に心血(しんけつ)を注(そそ)ぐ彼女(かのじょ)は、()She, who would never be disheartened, and has solely infused all her effort onto music, - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

挫(くじ)けることを知(し)らず、ひたすらに音楽(おんがく)に心血(しんけつ)を注(そそ)ぐ彼女(かのじょ)は、()She, who would never be disheartened, and has solely infused all her effort onto music,

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:03:42 - 00:03:49
眩(まぶ)しくて、気高(けだか)くて、美(うつく)しかった。()was exceptional, high-minded, and beautiful. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

眩(まぶ)しくて、気高(けだか)くて、美(うつく)しかった。()was exceptional, high-minded, and beautiful.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:03:49 - 00:03:55
私(わたし)は、彼女(かのじょ)のようになりたかった。()That’s why I wanted to be just like her. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

私(わたし)は、彼女(かのじょ)のようになりたかった。()That’s why I wanted to be just like her.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:03:55 - 00:10:27
) - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録


だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:04:03 - 00:02:53
Rino's song came to my mind.I was once again reminded that someone like me was nothing special.If there was a god of music, my guess was that this god preferred her over me.No matter what I wrote, no matter what I sang, I could not overcome the sense of uneasiness.Everything I could see was distorted.Before I knew it, I was lost.I could not even breathe.Even so, I was still living.Please... won't someone find me?There was no one I could impress.No one would even notice my light.I am a moon at noon. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

Rino's song came to my mind.I was once again reminded that someone like me was nothing special.If there was a god of music, my guess was that this god preferred her over me.No matter what I wrote, no matter what I sang, I could not overcome the sense of uneasiness.Everything I could see was distorted.Before I knew it, I was lost.I could not even breathe.Even so, I was still living.Please... won't someone find me?There was no one I could impress.No one would even notice my light.I am a moon at noon.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:04:03 - 00:04:56
間違ってたらくそ恥ずかしいけど、ここのユマのシーン、裏のBGMってショパンのノクターンかな…?逆再生にしてるのが、ユマがぎりぎりの状態で生きてることをより強調させてる感じがして、すごく印象に残りました。 - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録


だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:04:05 - 00:10:27
けどもこの追懐録のからのところの解釈がいまいちわからない。「或いはテトラの片隅で」のMVだとだと帰り道にユマが楽譜を屋上に取りに帰ったときに電車にひかれて死んだって解釈できるんだけど(「遮断桿が降り、すぐに電車が通過して彼女の後ろ姿を遮る。その日以来、私は彼女に会うことはなかった」より)この追懐録を見ると違うように感じてしまう。そもそもストーリーが完全に一緒なわけではないのかな?そのあとに出てくる真昼の月っていうのはどういうものなんだろう。死んでしまってもう誰のことも照らせないけどたまに見つけられるってことなのかな?月詠みの曲には月というものがよく出てくるけどこれが何を意味してるのかが難しいな。長文失礼しました。拙い文章で読みにくいとは思いますが、自分の頭の中にあるものをなんとか文章化したので許してほしいです😅皆さんの考察が知りたいのでぜひコメントに書いてほしいです、自分の書いた場面以外でもなんでもいいので。コメントまってます - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録


だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:04:20 - 00:10:27
ら辺のユマの心情=メデですかね? - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録


だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:04:23 - 00:10:27
The moon at noon.Whenever I saw it, I'd be reminded of her, and those words of hers.To create is one of the most beautiful things in this world - is what she said.If it was now, I feel like I could now understand the meaning of those words, at least a little.As if by her will, and driven by my desire to try to understand her better, I continued my journey with music.I was convinced that there was salvation to be had there.She gave me the name, 'Rino'.The name that I would use as a musician. The other me. The real me.The fake me.When she published that song, I felt as if the world changed once again. In every meaning of those words.Those memories had been changed by changed by money. Was this why I had started music?In my view, I thought I had no true value.I had just been trying to imitate her from the very beginning. I was just trying to learn from her.Just a fake. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

The moon at noon.Whenever I saw it, I'd be reminded of her, and those words of hers.To create is one of the most beautiful things in this world - is what she said.If it was now, I feel like I could now understand the meaning of those words, at least a little.As if by her will, and driven by my desire to try to understand her better, I continued my journey with music.I was convinced that there was salvation to be had there.She gave me the name, 'Rino'.The name that I would use as a musician. The other me. The real me.The fake me.When she published that song, I felt as if the world changed once again. In every meaning of those words.Those memories had been changed by changed by money. Was this why I had started music?In my view, I thought I had no true value.I had just been trying to imitate her from the very beginning. I was just trying to learn from her.Just a fake.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:04:56 - 00:06:17
月灯りの消ゆまで - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録


だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:04:58 - 00:05:46
真昼の月明かり - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録


だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:05:46 - 00:06:18
A compensation for happiness. The cost of a dream.There was no more from my life that I could pay with.For the me that did not know my place, this was the fitting outcome of being a foolish dreamer.The higher you climb, the more painful it is when you fall.In the five years since I had began to compose, which you could say was basically the entirety of my life, many things had happened.Reality never goes as well as it does in fairy tales.A world without music.Even my own voice could not be heard.There was no more reason to live.Rino. You might not believe in the potential that you have, but I know.The world will discover your talents one day.So, please, keep singing.But me -- I'm just a stepping stone for you, that the god of music had sent your way.Yes - Just a messenger for that god of music. How's that for a change in perspective?This way, even my existence would have had some measure of meaning, don't you think?If it means you will sing. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

A compensation for happiness. The cost of a dream.There was no more from my life that I could pay with.For the me that did not know my place, this was the fitting outcome of being a foolish dreamer.The higher you climb, the more painful it is when you fall.In the five years since I had began to compose, which you could say was basically the entirety of my life, many things had happened.Reality never goes as well as it does in fairy tales.A world without music.Even my own voice could not be heard.There was no more reason to live.Rino. You might not believe in the potential that you have, but I know.The world will discover your talents one day.So, please, keep singing.But me -- I'm just a stepping stone for you, that the god of music had sent your way.Yes - Just a messenger for that god of music. How's that for a change in perspective?This way, even my existence would have had some measure of meaning, don't you think?If it means you will sing.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:06:17 - 00:07:31
白夜 - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録


だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:06:18 - 00:08:14
傀儡マイムの歌詞を思い出す… - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録


だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:06:30 - 00:10:27
"To find a reason to live, is to also find a reason to die, was what I did not know at the time."Those words of hers churned within my head.Even as long as I live, I might never be able to fully understand what she felt when she said them.I don't understand.Even so."Rino. You'll be fine."Even if that was the case."Please, live on, with strength."Yuma, I wanted you to live.Who cares about something as inconsequential as music.I--No matter which world it was, it was because you were there that I could feel like I wanted to live."Your work* is your life. Your life is your work*."So, that was the end that you chose, Yuma?To you, nothing could replace music.I will live in a different way than the way she did.Even if it was for someone else, or even just for myself,I will live. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

"To find a reason to live, is to also find a reason to die, was what I did not know at the time."Those words of hers churned within my head.Even as long as I live, I might never be able to fully understand what she felt when she said them.I don't understand.Even so."Rino. You'll be fine."Even if that was the case."Please, live on, with strength."Yuma, I wanted you to live.Who cares about something as inconsequential as music.I--No matter which world it was, it was because you were there that I could feel like I wanted to live."Your work* is your life. Your life is your work*."So, that was the end that you chose, Yuma?To you, nothing could replace music.I will live in a different way than the way she did.Even if it was for someone else, or even just for myself,I will live.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:07:31 - 00:09:15
〜ここから特に涙腺がやばい… - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録


だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:08:13 - 00:10:27
月が満ちる - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録


だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:08:14 - 00:09:34
A message to Yuma -Yuma, as you said, the world might not be able to be saved by music.Even so --  at the very least,I think your music had saved me. - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

A message to Yuma -Yuma, as you said, the world might not be able to be saved by music.Even so -- at the very least,I think your music had saved me.

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:09:15 - 00:09:34
このセリフからの「だれかの心臓になれたなら」は反則過ぎだろ…… - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録


だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:09:30 - 00:10:27
Closing -In the watery depths of memory, what dwelled there were days that were dazzling beautiful, and ever-reverberating melodies.She was, without a doubt, the one person that changed my world.No, even now, you could still say that she means the world to me.(*TL note: Work refers to her compositions or the music that she's made) - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録

Closing -In the watery depths of memory, what dwelled there were days that were dazzling beautiful, and ever-reverberating melodies.She was, without a doubt, the one person that changed my world.No, even now, you could still say that she means the world to me.(*TL note: Work refers to her compositions or the music that she's made)

だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:09:34 - 00:10:27
誰かの心臓になれたなら - だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録


だれかの心臓になれたなら 追懐録
00:09:34 - 00:10:27

ユリイ・カノン / 月詠み Official





日  公開..--- ----- ..--- ....- .-.-.- ....- .-.-.- .---- --...Apple Music:Pre-Add/Spotify:Pre-Save&ライブラリ追加キャンペーン(2024年05月07日まで)https://www.toneden.io/v-dd/post/ignition→今なら待受画面がもらえるライブラリ追加予約キャンペーン実施中! - 月詠み New song『導火』Teaser

日 公開..--- ----- ..--- ....- .-.-.- ....- .-.-.- .---- --...Apple Music:Pre-Add/Spotify:Pre-Save&ライブラリ追加キャンペーン(2024年05月07日まで)https://www.toneden.io/v-dd/post/ignition→今なら待受画面がもらえるライブラリ追加予約キャンペーン実施中!

月詠み New song『導火』Teaser
00:00:00 - 00:00:22
(UST)..--- ----- ..--- ....- .-.-.- ....- .-.-.- .---- --...Apple Music:Pre-Add / Spotify:Pre-Save(until 05/07/2024)https://www.toneden.io/v-dd/post/ignition→Pre-order campaign for additional library with standby screen available now! - 月詠み New song『導火』Teaser

(UST)..--- ----- ..--- ....- .-.-.- ....- .-.-.- .---- --...Apple Music:Pre-Add / Spotify:Pre-Save(until 05/07/2024)https://www.toneden.io/v-dd/post/ignition→Pre-order campaign for additional library with standby screen available now!

月詠み New song『導火』Teaser
00:00:00 - 00:00:22
日  公開..--- ----- ..--- ....- .-.-.- ....- .-.-.- .---- --...Apple Music:Pre-Add/Spotify:Pre-Save&ライブラリ追加キャンペーン(2024年05月07日まで)https://www.toneden.io/v-dd/post/ignition→今なら待受画面がもらえるライブラリ追加予約キャンペーン実施中! - 月詠み New song『導火』Teaser

日 公開..--- ----- ..--- ....- .-.-.- ....- .-.-.- .---- --...Apple Music:Pre-Add/Spotify:Pre-Save&ライブラリ追加キャンペーン(2024年05月07日まで)https://www.toneden.io/v-dd/post/ignition→今なら待受画面がもらえるライブラリ追加予約キャンペーン実施中!

月詠み New song『導火』Teaser
00:00:00 - 00:00:00
音楽も最高です✨️特に のところで盛り上がる感じがたまらないです😖 - それを僕らは神様と呼ぶ

音楽も最高です✨️特に のところで盛り上がる感じがたまらないです😖

2024年02月29日  @YN-jz9hq 様 
00:00:26 - 00:00:50
「死にたくない」と「生きたい」は違う地獄で会ったら仲良くしようぜってこと? - それを僕らは神様と呼ぶ


2024年02月29日  @spinel423 様 
00:00:43 - 00:00:50
逆転劇 - 月詠み Acoustic Live『逆転劇』『救世主』『生きるよすが』


月詠み Acoustic Live『逆転劇』『救世主』『生きるよすが』
00:00:00 - 00:03:15
救世主 - 月詠み Acoustic Live『逆転劇』『救世主』『生きるよすが』


月詠み Acoustic Live『逆転劇』『救世主』『生きるよすが』
00:03:15 - 00:07:04
💙 - 月詠み Acoustic Live『逆転劇』『救世主』『生きるよすが』


月詠み Acoustic Live『逆転劇』『救世主』『生きるよすが』
2023年11月08日  Yeonu 様 
00:07:03 - 00:11:33
生きるよすが - 月詠み Acoustic Live『逆転劇』『救世主』『生きるよすが』


月詠み Acoustic Live『逆転劇』『救世主』『生きるよすが』
00:07:04 - 00:11:33
感情の込め方がすごい、、、泣きそうになりました、、! - 月詠み Acoustic Live『逆転劇』『救世主』『生きるよすが』


月詠み Acoustic Live『逆転劇』『救世主』『生きるよすが』
2023年11月08日  もくもく 様 
00:09:53 - 00:11:33
の「生きろ」の歌い方が本当に苦しくても生きていけ! って自分に言われてるみたいで……(語彙力) - 月詠み Acoustic Live『逆転劇』『救世主』『生きるよすが』

の「生きろ」の歌い方が本当に苦しくても生きていけ! って自分に言われてるみたいで……(語彙力)

月詠み Acoustic Live『逆転劇』『救世主』『生きるよすが』
2023年11月08日  赤葉翠 様 
00:10:26 - 00:11:33